Updating Groups

Once a Group has been created, there are some changes that can be made to it. You can choose to rename the Group, change the Group’s assigned colour, or change the Group permissions. These actions can be carried out regardless of whether there are Users in the Group.

To change Group permissions, see the documentation on configuring group permissions.

To make changes to Groups, start by selecting the Users tab in the top right hand corner of your Project.

Users Tab

Renaming a Group

To change the name of an existing Group, click the arrow to the right of the Group that you would like to rename and select Rename Group.

Make the changes to the name and click out of the name editor.

The Group name will now be updated with immediate effect.

Renaming Group


You cannot update the name of the three default Groups: Project Admins, View, Edit.

Changing a Group’s Assigned Colour

All Groups in a Project can be assigned a colour to help quickly identify who Records are assigned to.

Click the colour block to the left of the Group that you would like to amend the colour for.

You can select one of the pre set colours immediately, or choose a custom colour by clicking on the grey boxes underneath the 12 pre set colours.

The new colour will be applied immediately across all Records in the Project.

Changing Group Colour

Amending Read-Only Settings

Provided you have sufficient Seats available, you can disable a Group’s Read-Only setting or enable it.

For a Group that is not currently marked as a Read-Only Group, open the menu for the Group and click Enable Read-Only.

If you have sufficient Read-Only Seats left, you can confirm the action by clicking Enable.

Enable Read-Only

For an existing Read-Only Group, disable the Read-Only setting by opening the menu for the Group and clicking Disable Read-Only.

Confirm the action by clicking Disable.

Disabling Read-Only

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